The Difference Between Prebiotics And Probiotics

Prolazyme capsulesWhen we think of bacteria in our gastrointestinal-tract, we often think of something negative or something that is bad for us. It may be because the notion of having tiny little critters in our tummy sounds somewhat disgusting.

What Are Probiotics

However, one should never disregard the necessary bacteria found in various products such as yogurt and some pills that are extremely important for the well being of your intestines. These are known as 'probiotics' and it is vital to maintain them. Strange as it may sound, we need those little critters.

The problem is that they are delicate and are easily killed, even by our own stomach acids or even just heat. People on certain medications meant to kill the 'bad' bacteria, such as with antibiotics, may inadvertently also kill the 'good' bacteria at the same time. Having the probiotics out of alignment can be just as damaging to our health as having too many of the 'bad' bacteria.
What Are Prebiotics

This is where prebiotics come in. Prebiotics are elements or substances that actually help these 'good' bacteria to grow, by nourishing them. These in turn induce a healthy gut microbiome which in return has direct correlation to the rest of our body and particularly our brain. In other words, having the right and healthy critters in our stomach is good for our mental health and general well being.

Prebiotics are not as delicate as probiotics. That means they can be consumed easily and help maintain a healthy gut. Without doubt, this is of vital importance for a healthy being.

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Knowing how and when to take the balance between probiotics and prebiotics is a vital aspect of our health. While we can use daily food to maintain this balance, it is also possible to take supplements to further both.